Who remembers their grandparents slide carousel? Man once they pulled that thing out you just knew that there was 2 hours of your life you were not getting back. And of course they loved every slide and every slide had a story – lol. Cull your images guys! It may never occur to you, but looking through hundreds of wedding photos may be exactly the same for some of your family and friends. Not to you of course because you have awesome taste, but some people out there… While for now I prefer still photos over wedding videos one thing I love giving my wedding couples and families is a video slide show to music of selected images (see g’ma it is possible not to show everything).

These 3-5 minute videos tell the story in a way that simply looking through your images on a computer can’t. Here is an example of one of these videos that I had so much fun creating and delivering!

Oh boy, if only g’ma and g’dad had produced something like that instead! Now imagine it’s your ten year anniversary or it’s been a rough day and you just need something to put a smile on your face – that is where these videos really come into their own! That’s what I’m thinking about when I produce them.